Piero Niro (Baranello, Campobasso, Italy 1957).
Piero Niro is a Composer, Pianist and Professor of Philosophy of Music and Aesthetics.
He obtained a First-class Diploma in Piano and Composition at the Conservatoire of Santa Cecilia in Rome.
He also got a First-class Honours Masters Degree in Philosophy at the University of Studies Tor Vergata in Rome.
He carried postgraduate studies in Composition with Karlheinz Stockhausen and Franco Donatoni obtaining a diploma at the National Academy of S.Cecilia in Rome.
He won several piano competitions.
He played as soloist and as part of chamber music group in many cities both in Italy and Europe.
Thanks to “Quartetto per archi” he won the first prize in the composition contest “Ennio Porrino” (1985).
His composition “NOTE PER I MUSICI” is among the scores that won the “Call for score 2020” selection promoted by KALEIDOSCOPE, Los Angeles-based orchestra, in collaboration with UCLA, University of California Los Angeles.
About 8,000 scores from 86 countries participated in the selection.
Some of his compositions have been performed both in Italy and abroad:
USA, Princeton, concert season of Princeton University Orchestra;
USA, New York, Carnegie Hall “The week of Italian Music”;
USA, Trenton, concert season of Greater Trenton Symphony Orchestra;
Russia, concert season of Symphony Orchestra of Volgograd;
Brazil, concert season of Orquestra Sinfônica de Ribeirão Preto;
Brazil, concert season of Orquestra Sinfônica da Universidade de São Paulo
Mexico, concert season of Orquesta Sinfónica del Estado de México;
Austria, tournée of Orchestra Sinfonica del Molise;
Canada, Montreal, 12th World Saxophone Congress;
Poland, concert seasons of Olsztin and Slupsk;
Poland, Kraków, tournèe of Orchestra Sinfonica del Molise;
in Rome, Academy of France, “8ème Semaine de Musique contemporaine”;
in Rome in several editions of “Festival di Nuova Consonanza”
in Rome in several editions of “Festival della Nuova Musica Itaiana” RAI – National public broadcasting company;
in Milan at “Festival di Musica Sacra Contemporanea”;
in Venice at “Teatro La Fenice – Festival Galuppi”;
in Pesaro at “10th World Saxophone Congress”,
in Gubbio at “Gubbio Festival”;
in Lecce at concert season of Symphony Orchestra of Lecce; etc.
Some of his compositions have been broadcasted on TV and radio (Rai, Rai International, Radio France), others have even been published and recorded (RICORDI, RCA-BMG ARIOLA, EDIPAN, SILLABE).
From 1981 to 1984 he was Musical Consultant in the Central Record Library of Rai in Rome,
From 1991 to 1994 he was Vice-President of the Association “Amici della Musica” in Campobasso,
From 1999 to 2002 he was Member of the Board of Directors of the Association “Nuova Consonanza” in Rome.
From 2005 to 2011 he was Artistic Director of the Association “Amici della Musica” in Campobasso.
From 2009 to 2018 he was Member of the Board of Directors of A.I.A.M. – Associazione Italiana Attività Musicali – Roma
From 2015 to 2018 he was Vice-President of A.I.A.M. – Associazione Italiana Attività Musicali – Roma
Since 2012 he is Member of the Board of Directors and Artistic and Cultural Director of CIDIM – Italian Music Council
He has been part of a jury in several international composition competitions.
He has been studying for several years Theory of musical language.
He also published quite a few articles and essays about Musical Aesthetics such as:
– Ludwig Wittgenstein e la musica (Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, Napoli, 2008),
– Wittgenstein e l’avanguardia musicale (Il cannocchiale, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, Napoli, 2001),
- La musica e l’arte nel XIX secolo (L’arte moderna by Giulio Carlo Argan; Edizioni Sansoni, Firenze, 2001),
- Stravinskij e le avanguardie musicali (L’arte moderna by Giulio Carlo Argan; Edizioni Sansoni, Firenze, 2001),
- Momenti della musica del XX secolo (L’arte moderna by Giulio Carlo Argan; Edizioni Sansoni, Firenze, 2001)
– La problematica wittgensteiniana del “seguire una regola” e la molteplicità delle tecniche compositive del Novecento (Riviste Università di Milano: De Musica, 2017 – XXI)
He took part in conventions about Philosophy and Musical Aesthetics, he worked together on the teaching in History of Modern Philosophy and History of contemporary Philosophy at the University of Studies “Tor Vergata” in Rome, Department of Philosophy Researches. On that occasion he wrote an essay about Music and Theory of the perception, Descartes and Diderot, and one about Wittgenstein and Adorno, Considerazioni estetiche sul linguaggio e l’esperienza musicale contemporanea.
He is Professor of Composition and Chair of the Composition Department at the Conservatoire of Music in Campobasso.
He is also Professor of Philosophy of Music and Aesthetics, Analysis and Theory of Music in the same institute.